Find The Ways To Increase Your SEO

By Admin  /  at  6:12 PM  / 

By Jacinta Thornborough

A website you build might look really flashy and pack in a lot of features, but ask yourself an honest question here: What good are all those bells and whistles doing if nobody's even visiting your site? This is the problem you're going to have unless you address the issue of SEO, so bone up on your skills.

Use alt tags for images and span element titles to your advantage. Search engines look at a site's code, not what is actually visible to a user, so if your keyword is "cat" and there is a picture of a calico cat on your site, using an alt tag of "a calico cat" for the image will expose the search engine to your keyword even if the user never sees it. The title of a span element works in the same way.

To get a gauge on if your SEO is working, you have to monitor your standings. Monitor with a tool such as Google taskbar to best keep an eye on your page rank. You'll also want to have an idea of where your site visitors are coming from and which key words they're typing in to find you.

Make your website URL more SEO-friendly. Incorporate some or all of your keywords in your site address, like "". This will help search engines find your site. Also, use hyphens rather than underscores because hyphens count as spaces but underscores do not. But don't do it too much; having multiple dashes make your link look like spam and people might not click on them.

Keep in mind that spiders can't do anything with your URLs if they read like a bunch of random numbers. This is very confusing to the search engines, so always remember to create a meaningful name for every URL, and try to put a relevant keyword in there that flows naturally.

To better optimize your site for search engines, you should place keywords in the title tag for every post. Most search engines place more importance on titles than other types of contents. This means that using effective keywords is your title is one of the best ways to draw in traffic from search engines.

Include a transcript for closed captions with your online videos to help drive more traffic to your site. The major search engines will scan these transcripts for keywords, so adding them to your videos will help bring you more traffic.

It is integral for you to improve the functionality for your customers on your website. To do this, you can include a search box in the top right hand corner of your page. This gives your visitors the ability to find exactly what they want with one click of the mouse.

Effective SEO tactics will not require a high level of skill or even a whole lot of effort. What's important is that you take the right approach. As you learn about SEO, you will find that a few minor tweaks can equate to big results. Get started on your optimization by using what you've learned here.

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